زيارة وفد NFPA إلى مقر المعهد الوطني العالمي للتدريب، متمثلةً بمديرة NFPA في الشرق الأوسط.
خلال إحدى الدورات التأهيلية والتطويرية لمنسوبي وزارة الصحة والدفاع المدني
قام الفريق بحضور الجلسات، وتفاعل مع الموظفين والمتدربين، وتقديم تعليقات قيمة،
زيارة شركة البحر الأحمر لمناقشة فرص التعاون بين الشركتين.
أنت فى المكان المناسب
لتزويد أصحاب العمل والعمال وممثليهم ، وكذلك الآخرين بأدوار وواجبات فيما يتعلق بالسلامة من الحرائق.
This qualification is aimed at anyone involved in the management of fire safety in any workplace. and staff working in any area where there is a potential risk of fire.
This qualification is aimed at staff, particularly new starters in any workplace, where a basic understanding of fire safety is required.
Gain a clear understanding of how to design or improve an emergency preparedness plan for your facility.
The Certified Fire Plan Examiner training program is based on NFPA codes and standards, training materials from the IFSTA and National Fire Academy resources.
NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems Certificate Program
This course will be accredited by RMEC based on NFPA Standards.
NFPA 1: Fire Code (NFPA 1), addresses minimum requirements for building construction, operation, and maintenance, fire department access
Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner. In addition to the codes covered in CFI-I, the CFI-II program expands the fire inspector certification track to include the NFPA 24 and NFPA 220 standards.
The NFPA Certified Fire Inspector I (CFI-I) certification program was created in response to repeated requests by local entities, state agencies, and national/international organizations.